Monday, January 20, 2014

Floral Nails

Wow.  Announcing you're going to be posting every week, then not posting for 2 weeks in a row.  Way to go, Hanna.

I'm so sorry, guys!  I really was planning posts, but then school, family, and life got in the way.  I'll try harder, I promise.  But hey, better late than never, right?

So I guess this week I have a MonDIY for you all.  Floral nails!

Aren't they adorable?!  These are perfect for springtime and are fairly simple to recreate.  So without further ado, let's get started!

Start off by making sure your nails are polish-free.  If you file and shape your nails, do that now.  Make sure they are ready to hold your little masterpieces!

Once your nails are prepped, paint them with a clear base coat (optional).  Once that is dry, paint your nails in your preferred base color.  I chose mint green.  Depending on the opacity of your nail polish, you may need a couple coats.

When that's dry, we're going to start forming our flowers.  Do this by painting pink polka-dots on your nails.  You don't want the dots to be too small, but don't just make a giant circle on your nail.  Don't worry about making the dots perfect circles.  They'll actually look more realistic if they're a little splotchy.

Then add one or two leaves to each flower.  Let dry.

Now we're going to define the petals.  You may use a lighter shade of pink for this step, but mine wasn't showing up very well, so I used white.  This step is hard to explain because there's no set way to do it.  I started out with a small curved line in the middle of my flower.

Then I added more curved lines to either side of the flower.

Just experiment with it.  Every flower comes out different. (and that's what we want!)  Don't give up if your flower doesn't look the way you want it to.  Move on to the next flower and try again.  You'll get the hang of it!  (Hint: don't think-just paint!  I promise it'll turn out great!)

Continue to add petals to all your little flowers.  Let dry.

When you've added petals to all your flowers, you're ready for a topcoat!  Congratulations!  We're finished.  Now you have a wonderful little flower garden on your nails :)  Enjoy showing off your little masterpieces!

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and I'll see you next week!


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